Dear Madi, You are so dear to me. Four years ago, God gave you to me. You reflect his love in your eyes. I have grown to love you so much. Today I thought I might lose you. I thought Jesus was taking you home. I don't know what I would do without you. You have been a blessing to me and so many other people. I pray that you will bring glory to God no matter what happens. I pray each day that you will desire to know Jesus with all your heart and that your life will reflect the heart of the Almighty God. I love you, Madi. Love, Mommy



Madi stayed in the hospital for 14 days. She was in the ICU for 10 days. Every day was rough. As her mommy, I wanted what she wanted. She hated all of the tubes in her nose and throat. She hated the catheter. She hated the crib bed. Each day we made strides to get better. She had a post op MRI which showed cancer in the spinal cord and fluid. She couldn't keep anything down. She was vomitting constantly. Once they moved her out of the ICU, she became incoherent because she threw up her steroid which was helping to reduce the swelling. My husband had to chase down the doctors because she was doing so badly. They moved her into the ICU again. We had many restless nights. Sleeping in an upright chair while pregnant is not comfortable. The nuerosurgeon took off her bandages, cleaned her dressing and found that she was getting a bed sore. It was at this point that I took on a nurse roll. We had to get out of the hospital. If she could keep anything down, we were free to go. We tried every anti-nausea medicine and finally found Zofran. A few hours later, Madi asked for a donut and did't throw it up! On July 16th, we got to go home.

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