Dear Madi, You are so dear to me. Four years ago, God gave you to me. You reflect his love in your eyes. I have grown to love you so much. Today I thought I might lose you. I thought Jesus was taking you home. I don't know what I would do without you. You have been a blessing to me and so many other people. I pray that you will bring glory to God no matter what happens. I pray each day that you will desire to know Jesus with all your heart and that your life will reflect the heart of the Almighty God. I love you, Madi. Love, Mommy


Second Cycle of Chemotherapy

Madi had an appointment to check her blood levels. Everything looked great so she was scheduled to begin cycle two on August 9th. Instead of admitting her in the hospital and wait until the night to begin the chemotherapy, we decided to have some fun. We thought we were headed to the beach, but found ourselves at Universal Studios. We bought a day pass and got the rest of the year free. What an investment. This was where we went before every chemotherapy treatment. Madi enjoyed her time here before having to go into the hospital for a while. Papa spent time with us here as he was the one to bring us to LA before each treatment. Once we were tired, we would hesitantly admit Madi into the hospital. The treatment went fine. This was the first time she was given Methotrexate over a period of 24 hours. Her body was filled with toxins that she couldn't get out of the hospital until she was at a level that was not life-threatening. She was discharged on August 14th still feeling O.K. and looking forward to quickly getting to the next cycle.

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