Dear Madi, You are so dear to me. Four years ago, God gave you to me. You reflect his love in your eyes. I have grown to love you so much. Today I thought I might lose you. I thought Jesus was taking you home. I don't know what I would do without you. You have been a blessing to me and so many other people. I pray that you will bring glory to God no matter what happens. I pray each day that you will desire to know Jesus with all your heart and that your life will reflect the heart of the Almighty God. I love you, Madi. Love, Mommy


Happy 4th Birthday, Madi

So many wonderful memories...
family and friends coming together to celebrate the life of our little one
faithful prayers and encouragement
God's sovereignty
those who helped make our burden lighter
a lisp
a videographer to capture the moment so we won't forget
facing the challenge of blowing candles (a task that surgery temporarily took away) a new smile
devoted parents
best friends
the excitement of celebrating a fourth birthday

1 comment:

pammycakes said...

wonderful things to be thankful for..